May 2024 Newsletter

Sometimes, I feel I have to talk back to my radio when certain songs are played.  For instance, when Lionel Richie sings “Easy Like Sunday Morning” I want to say to him, “You must not know any ministers and/or Sunday School teachers.”  While in some ways, it’s my favorite day of the week with the joy of sharing a word or two in my message that speaks to your needs and hopes and your dreams, and gives me a chance to hear others pray, to encounter God’s Spirit through the notes played on our organ and/or our piano, to sit still during times of silence and listen for God’s voice and experience God’s truth and guidance which, in turns, strengthens our “follow-ship” or discipleship) and can move us closer to God, and to hear scripture as it is read, pondered, and discussed (in Sunday School) and to lift our praise to God in song and dialogue with our sacred Lord as we think about what the minister is preaching and whether that seems true for us, or the implications of a sermon, as well as to lift our praise to God.  The time spent during the Lord’s Supper can be a truly special time as God seeks to nourish us in our walks of faith providing the strength, courage, peace, hope, love and joy, and it freshly conveys to us the value and necessity of walking together in our faith with others in a community of faith.  Of course, the ministry of fellowship, being connected to God and to each other and experiencing both new insights that grow our faith, helping others with encouragement based on our personal experience and our knowledge about letting Christ be our Lord and removing obstacles that get in the way of following Jesus for others is a true thrill for me. 

 As good as all this is, as I am preparing for Sunday, and thinking about what to expect, at times Sunday mornings can be less than inspirational and sometimes downright perspirational (I’m pretty sure that’s not a real word, but you understand what I’m trying to say) such as when I have been put on the proverbial “hotseat” with a theological question that will lead some to like my response and others, well, let’s just say “not so much.”  And when moms and dads are struggling to get all their kids “up and Adam” out the door, when the kids don’t even want to get out of bed.  For some of us, there’s nothing “easy” about Sunday morning, but because it’s not so easy, you might be surprised the number of times you come home feeling renewed, restored, and rejuvenated so that you are better able to face the coming new work week that begins on Monday.

This past Sunday I had the privilege of sitting in the pews with my wife and experienced deeply meaningful worship with a congregation in East Tennessee.  I experienced a genuinely kind welcome, deep peace, meaningful time for reflection, an engaging sermon, and a nearly indescribable joy.  Thank you for some time off that made that possible, and made for a nice change of pace, or as Lionel Richie might say, “an easy Sunday morning.”  I feel so refreshed and truly thrilled to be back with you this week.

In the service of Christ with you,

Pastor Jeff