Connecting Spirit.


Become spiritually grounded by connecting more deeply with God and your inner life through spiritually-formative activities.



connecting minds

Through small group encounters designed to facilitate spiritual formation, you can learn about and practice principles of discipleship, with the support and encouragement of others.

Groups form at intervals, and run for a period of nine weeks -- or longer, if you decide! Contact the church office for how to start or join a spiritual formation group.

Small groups not for you? We also have Christian education classes for all ages, meeting each Sunday morning at 9:00 am.


connecting kids

At First Christian Church, we think a good spiritual life starts from the ground up. Children Worship and Wonder is an exciting way to approach faith formation with kids. Your child is already a spiritual being, who already has a relationship with God. Worship and Wonder helps your child deepen that relationship by offering space for her or him to creatively explore bible stories through developmentally appropriate and imaginative encounters, all while in God's presence. Children Worship and Wonder available Sundays at 10:00.


connecting WORSHIP

Connect yourself through community worship where space is created for you to deepen your spiritual life. The word "worship" means the work of the people -- including visitors as well as long timers. Through ancient-modern acts of worship, you'll be drawn into the story of Jesus' reconciling love and be inspired to love justice and practice mercy. You'll find a liberating atmosphere with plenty of creative energy and a rich theological imagination. Fresh music, dynamic and relevant preaching, challenging teaching, and a deep encounter with the sacred are here for you to experience. Worship begins at 10:00.

Connecting Spirit.  Connecting Hearts.  Connecting Lives.



No matter who you are, who you love, how you live, or what you believe.


On Sundays:

Adult Small group at 9:00 a.m.

Children’s small group during 10:00 a.m. worship

Worship at 10:00 a.m.



It’s Easy.

Simply make your tax deductible donation to our church PayPal account.


You can also mail your tax deductible check to FCC, 18 E 3rd St. Maysville, KY 41056.


community involvement

We continue to build our partnership with schools in our area by donating needed items throughout the year. Each month we focus on a different need identified by the school’s family resource centers.

Annual Coat Drive provides new or gently used and clean coats, jackets, and hoodies, to people of all ages.



Women’s Exercise meets Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00 a.m. This group is for all ages and all comers, member or not!


Connecting Hearts.


Discover where your spiritual journey intersects with everyday life through ministries designed for greater community connection.


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connecting community

You've been blessed and you want to pay it forward.  Partnering with other private and civic entities is at the heart of our ministry.  We seek opportunities to connect with the wider community in ministry beyond our doorsteps.  Join with us to share your gifts in acts of love and compassion.

We currently partner with:

Camp Discovery, Cancer Fighters United, C.A.S.A., Community Care of Mason County, Green Dot KY, Limestone Ministries, Maysville Academy, Narcotics Anonymous, N.A.M.I., Relay for Life, The Salvation Army, Samaritan's Purse, St. Patrick's Montessori School, Women's Crisis Center, Women's Exercise, and various regional and national ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), by providing building space, funding, materials, and human resources. 

Connect with us as we connect with our community.


connecting gospel

Everyone needs good news -- you do too!  Once you've entered the gospel story with us, you'll want to respond by sharing that story with others.  Partner with people through programs and events geared to telling our story.  Vacation Bible School, Trick-Or-Treat, Chalk the Walk, Mason Rocks Kentucky, Christmas and Easter baskets to the homebound, Finals Week Care packages for college students, and Caring Friends -- providing bereavement meals are just some of the ways we talk about our faith through acts of love.


connecting diversity

Have a heart for justice and wholeness?  The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is justice and reconciliation oriented.  Here you'll find plenty of opportunities to share your voice with others in creating wholeness and equity, creating unity in diversity.

All things come from you, O God, and of your own have we given you. 1 Chronicles 29:14



You can donate to the community through our secure, online service.  Just click the "Donate" button at the top of the home page.

Connecting Lives.

Weave the strand of your life with those of others to create a tapestry of abundant life.


Connecting friends

At First Christian Church, we think friendships form the foundation of community.  So we offer various activities that will enrich your social life.  We especially like to eat!  Join us for our annual Christmas Dinner, Easter Brunch, summer cookout, and fall hayride and weenie roast. Or join us for a monthly epicurean trip with G.E.M.S. (Greet, Eat, Meet, Socialize).  You can also meet your friends in the Fellowship Hall for our monthly Dining With Dave -- our pastor.  However you slice it, we  like to party... and you're invited! 

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